
Imposition meaning
Imposition meaning

imposition meaning

Thus in the ordination of deacons according to the Latin rite it is at least partial matter of the sacrament in conferring the priesthood there is a threefold imposition, viz.: (a) when the ordaining prelate followed by the priests, lays hands on the head of the candidate nil dicens (b) when he and the priests extend hands during the prayer, "Oremus, fratres carissimi", and (c) when he imposes hands at giving power to forgive sins, saying "Accipe Spiritum Sanctum". In the sacrament of Holy orders it enters either wholly or in part, into the substance of the rite by which most of the higher grades are conferred. In confirmation, the imposition of hands constitutes the essential matter of the sacrament, not however that which precedes the anointing, but that which takes place at the actual application of the chrism (S.C.

imposition meaning

To understand clearly the extent to which the imposition of hands is employed in the Church at present it will be necessary to view it in its sacramental or theological as well as in its ceremonial or liturgical aspect. In fact this rite was so constantly employed that the "imposition of hands" came to designate an essential Catholic doctrine ( Hebrews 6:2). The Apostles imposed hands on the newly baptized, that they might receive the gifts of the Holy Ghost in confirmation ( Acts 8:17, 19 19:6) on those to be promoted to holy orders ( Acts 6:6 13:3 1 Timothy 4:14 2 Timothy 1:6 Matthew 13) and on others to bestow some supernatural gift or corporal benefit (Acts, passim). Before immolating animals in sacrifice the priests, according to the Mosaic ritual, laid hands upon the heads of the victims ( Exodus 29 Leviticus 8:9) and in the expressive dismissal of the scapegoat the officiant laid his hands on the animal's head and prayed that the sins of the people might descend thereon and be expiated in the wilderness ( Leviticus 16:21). The religious aspect of this ceremony first appeared in the consecration of Aaron and his sons to the office of priesthood. In the New Testament Our Lord employed this rite to restore life to the daughter of Jairus ( Matthew 9:18) and to give health to the sick ( Luke 6:19).

imposition meaning

Jacob bequeathed a blessing and inheritance to his two sons Ephraim and Manasses by placing his hands upon them ( Genesis 48:14) and Moses on Josue the hegemony of the Hebrew people in the same manner ( Numbers 27:18, 23). It is extremely ancient, having come down from patriarchal times. The rite has had a profane or secular as well as a sacred usage. A symbolical ceremony by which one intends to communicate to another some favour, quality or excellence (principally of a spiritual kind), or to depute another to some office.

Imposition meaning